South African President Thabo Mbeki is the only statesman in the
whole world, at present, who is really bold and brave to challenge the
existing allopathic theories on the exact causes of AIDS and the effective
cures for it. Congratulations to Thabo Mbeki! He must keep up the fight for
the sake of millions of patients suffering from AIDS in his country and around
the world. The whole world will honor him for his bold stand one day very
soon. He must never give up his position in the great controversy. He is
absolutely right in saying that just one type of virus, like the so-called
HIV, cannot cause a syndrome consisting of many different diseases. Actually,
AIDS is not even one syndrome as there are many forms of AIDS which require
different therapies for treating different sufferers having differing
South Africans are indeed very lucky in having such a great and
intelligent leader as their President. But it is a great pity and it is highly
unfortunate that some of his own countrymen are making fun of him at the
behest of western pseudo
-scientists and some
news media with vested interests. Why should President Thabo Mbeki be
criticized because the presidential spokesperson Parks Mankahlana, aged only
36 years, is reported to have died of AIDS on October 26*?
Why are the arrogant allopaths and their backers pointing
accusing fingers at President Mbeki who is one of the greatest statesmen in
the world?
Can his critics name any allopaths
who have saved patients with AIDS from death? Should they talk of merely
prolonging any patient's life by a couple of years at a very high cost, when
it cannot even be proved conclusively that a patient's life can indeed be
prolonged by using allopathic medicines like AZT? Why don't the
arrogant allopaths
actually save those patients from
death? They cannot. Why then do allopaths insist that the
non-allopathic therapists should cure the
AIDS' patients completely to prove the validity of their alternative theories?
President Mbeki is absolutely right in saying that we should also consider the
alternative methods to tackle the monster of AIDS, which even the poorest
patients can afford. Now what is wrong with that? President
Mbeki should be considered as one of the greatest friends of the poor and the
What are the achievements of the allopaths in the sphere of AIDS?
In 20 long years, they have not found any cure for AIDS. They have not
succeeded in spite of all the big boasts of their top scientists that they
shall get the cure for AIDS in a
couple of years, which have now
elongated to two decades stretching from 1981 to 2000!! When the
bombastic and arrogant
allopaths have not found out even the exact
causes of AIDS, can they find out any cure?
The arrogant allopaths have failed terribly.
Allopaths have magnified and multiplied the problems of
AIDS' sufferers by blatantly spreading great falsehoods throughout the world.
They are trying to suppress the facts based on the findings of
non-allopaths who are demanding a
reassessment of the research done on the subject of AIDS till now. The
arrogant allopaths
are the greatest stumbling block in promoting
genuine research in the field of AIDS.
Practised from ancient times,
blood-letting is a 'cure' for
one type of
AIDS. But allopaths won't hear of it because this simple treatment for the
control of AIDS cannot make them earn the big bucks!! They are only interested
in collectively earning billions of dollars every year by fooling the whole
world with their useless so-called HIV tests
and by prescribing the extremely costly drugs like AZT to their patients.
High hemoglobin level is dangerous for the health of human beings.
In ancient times, men lost blood regularly while hunting for food and while
fighting in wars. As most modern men are not hunters or warriors, and there is
therefore no blood
-spilling as in ancient
times, we must practice blood-letting to
bring down the hemoglobin level in some people suffering from certain diseases
including one type
of AIDS. The doctors and medical scientists of
allopathy are highly obsessed with propagating the dangerous belief that
maintaining a high hemoglobin level is good for health.
Blood-letting is a
well-known 'cure' for the
AIDS-like syndromes in some indigenous
systems of medicine in India. Blood-sucking
leeches were used in ancient times. Modern techniques, with proper
sterilization of instruments, must be used now.
Blood-letting, repeated every one or two
months by puncturing a vein, is still being used as
one of the measures by indigenous doctors to control the symptoms of AIDS
successfully in Indian villages and small towns. In spite of all their
attempts, allopaths in India have no influence or power to stop such medical
practices in those places. Even the AIDS' patients from big cities rush to the
villages and small towns to get that treatment from indigenous doctors. With
the treatment of blood-letting, patients can live for many years though they
may not get cured of AIDS. But allopaths too cannot cure any patient with
AIDS. So why are they making a lot of noise and opposing others who use
methods that are known to work in controlling AIDS? There are no
allopaths in most Indian villages and strangely there is not much incidence of
AIDS in those places. What does that indicate? Does the regular use of some
toxic allopathic drugs cause AIDS in susceptible persons?
How does AZT control AIDS in patients?
The extremely costly AZT controls AIDS mainly by
lowering the hemoglobin level in the blood of patients and thus producing the
beneficial effects! The ignorant allopaths don't even know that and foolishly
try to correct the so-called 'anemia' caused
by AZT and thus nullify the benefits!! But AZT
is also known to be highly toxic and produces dangerous side effects which can
prove fatal for many patients. Why are the highly arrogant allopaths blind to reality? Why can't the simple, cheap and safe procedure of
blood-letting or phlebotomy, as allopaths call it, be used by them instead of administering the
toxic AZT?
Believe it or not
blood-letting is not even outside the
scope of allopathy!! All allopaths must have the knowledge about this
minor form of surgery!! But can they earn the big bucks if they use this
simple treatment?!!!
*October 26, 2000.
First time released to the news media and AIDS organizations on
6 November 2000.PREVIOUS HOME NEXT