can really feel proud of India? Let us look at the
sheer hypocrisy, deceit, poison, disease and death
that we get from our leaders. We should not be
surprised to know that even the costly bottled mineral
water is found to be massively contaminated with the
deadly pesticides like DDT, Malathion, Lindane and
Chlorpyrifos. Are some multinational
companies (MNCs) involved in this act of genocide
against the Indian people? Why have the hypocritical
Indian leaders kept quiet deliberately on this issue
for so many years? Have they got massive bribes to
keep silent on such acts of genocide
committed against the people of India?
It is absolutely
clear that the ISI certification mark on the bottles
containing mineral water has been much more lethal in
killing Indians who drank such water regularly than
even the dreaded Islamic fundamentalist militants
trained by the Pakistani intelligence agency using the
same initials of ISI. Many times more Indians must
have already died silently over a period of many years
due to the drinking of poisonous bottled water
than the total number of persons killed in India by
the terrorists trained by the Pakistani
Instead of taking stringent measures for
improving the quality of water, the Government of
India is merely thinking of withdrawing the ISI
certification mark on the bottled water. Are we
going to be forced to buy imported water at Rs 35 to
Rs 40 per bottle of one liter? The business of bottled
water is sought to be handed over completely to MNCs
in the name of liberalization and
globalization. Our politicians
drink only imported water with the huge amounts of
black money they earn. The highly corrupt Indian
leaders can themselves very easily afford to drink
imported bottled water and eat imported food to keep
healthy with the help of massive
public funds they are stealing all the time.
only two things available pure in India are cow's
urine and dung. So the only pure thing the Congress
Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) can
offer to all the people of India to drink is cow's
urine. Next they will ask the people to eat
cow-dung. Should the top leaders of the
Congress and BJP not set examples by drinking cow's
urine and eating cow-dung? The competition in
promoting Hindutva demands that they set
such good examples, especially when the
assembly elections are due to take place in many
states in this month (February) and later. So, the
Indian politicians can certainly also ask
all their followers to drink and eat the only two
pure things available in India. Promoting
Hindutva in this way can make their
candidates win the elections particularly in the five
states of Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Delhi and Rajasthan, where
Hindutva is very popular.
The voters can kick
the BJP everywhere. Let the BJP forget about its
victory in the assembly elections in Gujarat, which
was decided only by the communal polarization caused
by the riots in that state. Now there can be real
competition between the BJP and the Congress Party in
using the ideology of Hindutva to promote
cow's urine and cow-dung. The example of
competitive Hindutva has been set well by the
Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh. When Digvijay
Singh is drinking a lot of cow's urine daily to
get all the strength he needs for defeating the BJP in
the assembly elections in MP, will anybody be able to
stop the BJP from advocating the eating of
cow-dung to counter him? All the politicians
now also have a golden chance to use bullock carts
everywhere to promote the ancient culture of India.
are happy to know that Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister
Digvijay Singh drinks cow's urine every day. This is
our request to the Chief Minister of
MP: "Digvijayjee, please drink cow's urine and eat
cow-dung in front of the people to expose the
hollow claims made by the BJP about its belief in
Hindutva. We want you to set this
good example publicly so that the leaders of the
Hindutva brigade also start drinking cow's
urine and eating cow-dung every day.
Such good acts will restore the confidence of the
people in their leaders. At
present, the common people believe that the
politicians drink only imported whiskey and imported
bottled water, and eat only foods like imported bread,
imported pizza, imported chicken, imported cakes,
imported ice-cream,
Can the BJP also not
ask the Indian people to drink the holy cow's pure
urine, instead of the poisonous water, and to eat pure
cow-dung instead of food, even when the
bulging godowns of the Food Corporation of India are
bursting at the seams with surplus foodgrains?
So long as the BJP is in power at the center,
the foodgrains can continue to rot, or be
eaten only by rats and cockroaches, or be exported at
half of the high prices that the poor
half-starved Indians are forced to pay
because of the artificial scarcity created by the
anti-people BJP and the corrupt bureaucrats
of the Food Corporation of India.
Like poisonous
water, the various foods available in India are
also contaminated and adulterated and are not good for
consumption. The reason why our athletes can never win
medals in the Olympics is that the foods and drinks
they get in India are poisonous. So how can we
blame our athletes for performing badly in the
Olympics? But if the BJP and the Congress can persuade
the athletes to drink cow's pure urine and eat pure
cow-dung, they should definitely be able to
win many medals in the Olympics!
of the essential drugs available in India are spurious
and contain dangerous chemicals which have even caused
the deaths of young dynamic leaders like the late
Union Power Minister Rangarajan Kumaramangalam. Have
the politicians and bureaucrats done anything to
tackle the menace of spurious drugs? They have only
taken huge bribes from the spurious drug manufacturers
and remained silent.
Almost all the rivers, lakes, canals, streams and
wells are highly polluted in
India. The Ganga, which is still
called the holiest river by the Hindu leaders, is
the dirtiest river in the whole world! Each and every
drop of it reeks of disease and death for the
millions of people who use its water.
Now our politicians and
bureaucrats want the dirtiest river in the world,
Ganga, to be linked with all the other rivers of
India. Mixing the dirty Ganga water with
them will pollute all the river waters in India
and massively spread more disease and death all over
the country. The politicians and bureaucrats are just
interested in having their huge commissions from
the estimated Rs 5,60,000 crore that will be spent on
this huge project of linking all our rivers.
But the
happiest persons will be those operating the
pharmaceutical MNCs, and their Indian collaborators,
who can earn billions of dollars every year by selling
various drugs to treat the rapidly spreading diseases
that will be caused by the polluted river waters all
over India!
the Ganga not be cleaned first before it is linked to
the other rivers? Yes, of course, the promoters of
Hindutva will certainly put massive amounts
of the holy cow's pure urine and pure dung in the
Ganga to purify it!
We all know
how the shortage of electricity is being deliberately
increased. Soon the power cuts will be ordered
for 10 to 12 hours per day to make the Indian people
become so desperate that they will be forced to pay Rs
7 to Rs 8 per unit. The great MNC, Enron, can thus be
made to win its case in India. The Indian
politicians and bureaucrats can then collect their big
bribes from Enron, amounting to thousands of crores of
rupees, and secretly deposit the amounts
in foreign banks, which can be used by them,
their children, grandchildren and great
Long live
India, the land of hypocrisy, deceit, poison, disease
& death!
Mera Bharat
First time
released to the news media
February 2003
© 2003 by Ashok T.
Editor &